Thursday, December 6, 2012

Mike Reeder's Bio

As a double amputee, just below the knees since enemy action in Viet Nam, I have been playing golf for just over 15 years. design sketch I currently carry a U.S.G.A. handicap of 9.

A U.S. Navy Corpsman (medic) with the Marine's, I found my life changed by a command detonated "booby trap" on April 2, 1970. Until that traumatic amputation just below the knees put me in a wheelchair for the rest of my life, I had been a "small town, Midwestern boy" who had planned on having a career as a jazz musician.

I did stay in the music biz and continued to play drums, with a few fancy attachments. Radio jock, recording engineer, producer. design sketchI was a member of the board of governors for N.A.R.A.S. . And still found time to be a husband for almost 29 years to Debby and a father to three beautiful daughters. design sketch As a "life" member of National Amputee Golf Association for many years, one of the things that I have learned from the shared experiences with the other members is that, if it can be done, it can be done well!

Through the years of honing my golf game, I KNEW I had to have a dedicated "golf" wheelchair. design sketchOver the course of many months of design trial and error I came up with a design that worked. "Quickie" brand wheelchairs made it happen for me. Through their expertise, my rough sketches and impassioned phone calls resulted in the "FORE Wheel Golf Chair" I'm using today.